Lunadot Eco Pads

Carnegie Mellon University

Role: User Researcher and Designer

These pads are an eco-friendly alternative to current products savings 560,000 kg of carbon dioxide a year, equal to driving a car 1.3 million miles a year.
I contributed to the initial research and led design development, crafted the prototypes, and conducted user testing.

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Product Marketing Illustration


The project brief called for the identification and solution of an environmental problem. The team project was undertaken as part of the Design for Environment class at the Integrated Innovation Institute, CMU.
Team: Advait Tinaikar, Annisa Prasetyanto, Hsiao-Ting Hung, Rebecca Radparvar and Wu-Chou (Peter) Kuo.

Problem Identification

Problem Identification

Market Research

Competitive Analysis

User Research

Design & Testing

Final Product